Hi Juha


The kits are easily added again, and this is no problem if only one or two projects are open.

But I often have 5 or more open ...

Another irritating strange behaviour in QtCreator, again with several projects open, Is that If I have one project selected to build and run, but the highlight in the Project Explorer (top left pane of QtCreator) is on a file in a second project, then the build fails because it gets muddled up.

e.g below I am building GSTTorch, but the highlight is on a file in QMLTorch. It tries to build GSTTorch using files from QMLTorch!

As I am frequently switching between projects I encounter this error many times!


RPM build errors:
error: File not found: /home/deploy/installroot/usr/share/QMLTorch/qml

error: File not found: /home/deploy/installroot/usr/share/applications/QMLTorch.desktop

File not found: /home/deploy/installroot/usr/share/icons/hicolor/86x86/apps/QMLTorch.png
error: File not found: /home/deploy/installroot/usr/share/QMLTorch

    File not found: /home/deploy/installroot/usr/share/QMLTorch/qml
File not found: /home/deploy/installroot/usr/share/applications/QMLTorch.desktop File not found: /home/deploy/installroot/usr/share/icons/hicolor/86x86/apps/QMLTorch.png
    File not found: /home/deploy/installroot/usr/share/QMLTorch

13:10:48: The process "/Users/christopherlamb/.config/SailfishAlpha3/mer-sdk-tools/MerSDK/SailfishOS-i486-x86/deploy" exited with code 1. Error while building/deploying project GSTTorch (kit: MerSDK-SailfishOS-i486-x86)

Zitat von "Juha Kallioinen" <juha.kallioi...@jolla.com>:

On 21.01.2014 09:17, christopher.l...@thurweb.ch wrote:
Hi All

If I do a QtCreator / SailfishOS/ Targets / Manage Targets / <Target> / Manage / Sync, with project(s) open in QtCreator, then I lose the kits of the open project(s), and have to re-add these.

Hi Chris,

yes it's an unfortunate side effect of the way the build engine/qt creator interface has been implemented. This should be fixed in some future release, but is not a high priority.

Best regards,

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