
This may be related:

I haven noticed that using journalctl to view system logs on the device, QML and C++ debug output is reported differently.

Below is an example extract:

C++ debug is reported with the application name.

QML debug is reported as lipstick

Feb 23 13:39:39 localhost lipstick[971]: about to getPrimaryContact: area_id: 3, template_id: 1, any: 1 Feb 23 13:39:39 localhost landed26_QT5[27558]: [D] JSONStorage::openDatabase:20 - Document Path: "/home/nemo/Documents/" Feb 23 13:39:39 localhost landed26_QT5[27558]: [D] JSONStorage::openDatabase:22 - App Name: "landed26_QT5" Feb 23 13:39:39 localhost landed26_QT5[27558]: [D] JSONStorage::openDatabase:24 - "Full path: /home/nemo/Documents/landed26_QT5/landeddb.json"
Feb 23 13:39:39 localhost lipstick[971]: about to pass DB to JSONPath


Zitat von "Artem Marchenko" <artem.marche...@gmail.com>:

I found message handler working just fine (both for QML console and cpp
qDebug() messages) is emulator builds, but not for when code is running on
device. Go figure.

Could it be so that on device exactly QML engine is somehow always used
separately from your c++ execution context.. no it doesn't make sense.

It would be nice to have some logs-to-file way working in production with
both QML and c++ logs indeed.


On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 4:58 PM, Robin Burchell <robin.burch...@jolla.com>wrote:

On 04 Feb 2014, at 22:37, Tero Siironen <tero.siiro...@iki.fi> wrote:
> Andrey Kozhevnikov <coderusin...@gmail.com> kirjoitti 4.2.2014 kello
>> This is messages handler i'm using in my projects:
> This doesn't seem to make a difference for me, the log file still
contains only c++ side debug prints, qml prints (like console.log()) are
not handled with messagehandler.
> Actually I found out that even if set in pro-file:
> I still get qml debug prints printed out to console, so it seems that
those prints from qml are not handled via normal debug handling at all?
> I would like to get no debug printing at all, or then just to file.

DEFINES in qmake adds additional defines (-D) to the cflags used to build
C++ affect code compiled with them. QtDeclarative was not compiled with
these defines, so your adding them won't affect console.log (whose C++
implementation lives inside QtDeclarative).

If you don't want debug prints, you need to install a message handler (you
say you've tried this and it doesn't work, I can't answer why that would be
the case, it should work, as it uses the same infrastructure).

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Artem Marchenko

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