I've never built packages on the Jolla device if that's what you mean but
this is what you do on the SDK:

1. Install Virtualbox.
2. Install Sailfish SDK.
3. Start Virtualbox and run the MerSDK image.
4. Log in with SSH. (ssh -p 2222 -i
~/SailfishOS/vmshare/ssh/private_keys/engine/mersdk mersdk@localhost)
5. Build packages using the "sb2" and "rpmbuild" commands. You can set your
default build target in:
[xerxes2@ninja ~]$ cat .scratchbox2/config

You may run into some problems with building python packages as user,
problems are fixable, but you can build as root too (-R).

Greets Jens

On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 10:13 PM, Boris Pohler <bo...@pohlers-web.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> I wrote my first little program using python/pyotherside. I develop
> directly on the jolla-device (no sdk) and would like to build a rpm
> package to distribute to openrepos (and later to harbour, if python is
> accepted). What is the prefered (easiest) way?
> Boris
> P.S.: My desktop-distribution is Archlinux.
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