The important information seems to be (because this also has been mentioned very often in the IRC), if the device is capable to run CyanogenMod 10.1. So if this works, there is a chance to get it working. But no guarantee at all for this. :-)

Am 06.03.2014 16:41, schrieb Ove Kåven:
Den 06. mars 2014 16:09, skrev SRK Services:
I am just doing some pre-development research and am having trouble
finding some information. Does anyone know of a link that has a list of
compatible hardware for SailfishOS. I did not see any while browsing the

If the question isn't whether there's already a version of Sailfish that runs on this chipset, but whether Sailfish could ever run on it, then I suspect the answer, for now, is:

SailfishOS is based on the Linux kernel, just like Android; if your chipset can run Android, then it can most likely also run SailfishOS. How much work it would be to port may depend on how friendly the chipset manufacturer is towards the idea.

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