I cannot use the %ghost directive as I don't know the names of the data
files that will be created during runtime, can I use the %ghost directive
with wildcards?. Also the folder I store my data files according to this
link https://harbour.jolla.com/faq#2.14.0 is $XDG_DATA_HOME/<MyGameName>
when I added in my .spec file packaging failed and according to the above
link it states

"You must not hardcode */home/nemo/* or *$HOME/.config/*, etc. - use the Qt
5 QStandardPaths, GLib convenience methods or the xdg-helper library to
determine the paths. This will make sure your application keeps working for
sandboxed use cases, multi-user use cases as well as multi-profile
single-user use cases."

So which is the proper way to have the folders
*$XDG_CACHE_HOME/<HARBOUR_APP_NAME>*      removed automatically when
removing my game?

These three folders aren't automatically created on installation and as I
understand I have to create them at run-time on my first run if I want to
use them.
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