W dniu 06.04.2014 23:11, Robin Burchell pisze:

On 05 Apr 2014, at 10:21, Thomas B. Rücker <tho...@ruecker.fi
<mailto:tho...@ruecker.fi>> wrote:
Reading this I can't help but wonder if Jolla now claims ownership of
Mer/Nemo then. Even with fancy hat changing. Bringing this discussion up
in a strictly Sailfish context implies this.

I think you’ve read a little much into things, but I’d like to point out
the obvious here:

Jolla are doing the majority of the work in these two projects. So
purely in terms of governance and technical knowledge, they are in a
position of quite a bit of power. Now, that having been said, the work
on these projects has always (without exception) been done in the public
realm, with the aim of collaborating with others,

Maybe the aim was collaborating with the outside world, but practical implementation of that aim was far away from how it should look like and what community expected.

to some degrees of
success. We’ve seen people make tools/hacks/fixes around that stuff, and
that’s great. It might be improvable, but it’s a positive thing already.

I would say many of those hacks were despite all odds and Jolla not helping or even setting up ridiculous obstacles, where things could have been done the easy way, but not instead "dirty" hacks were the only possibility. A bit of an example of general attitude from a bit different area is if you want Sailfish OS source code you need to ask for a CD/DVD whereas it could also have been put online, which would save time and money for both sides. Well in the end tbr uploaded it, but frankly speaking it shouldn't be his job to make things easier, but in Jolla own interest. I see it as kind of attitude - if we don't know what to do in a company, let's use old Nokia ways of solving problems (even if they are nowadays something awkward or some corpo-ridiculousness that doesn't fit into something you would expect from a startup).

Community can forgive a lot - annoying bugs, simcard holder problems, sudden reboots and other stuff which can happen to every company releasing a new product, but on condition that such company really cares about community and makes things easier for collaboration, not harder. That should especially be taken into account that some of the community memebers, were actively spreading word about Jolla and how this company is very open and unlike. I don't want to look at some of my friends eyes who bought Jolla after my recommendation and say "Well it's not that open in terms of collaboration as they promised, sorry it seems we've been misleaded".

I guess what I’m trying to say is that, from a strictly open source
point of view, the ones doing the work dictate the direction - one could
even say this implies ownership, yes. But on the other hand, while I
can’t speak for the entire company, I (and the folks I know and work
with on a daily basis) have collaboration and cooperation at heart, even
if execution could be improved on - which is what provided the impetus
for this thread.

I think many people want good like you said, but on the other side community clashes with such employees comments (when asking for issues list/bugs/roadmap of Nemo MW):
"We don't want the community to work on the bugs and take our jobs!".
It shows the problem "community helping == taking our jobs" existing in some heads. And yes I can even look for who said sth like that on IRC in one of the Jolla related public channels if you don't believe such statements were said by your colleagues.

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