
On Sun, 27 Apr 2014 13:07:37 Chris Walker wrote:
> Is it possible to disable the onboard GPS sensor and use a bluetooth
> unit instead?
> If I look at the location side of the phone, it doesn't offer that
> option whereas the Nokia N900 does. Is it possible to do it via some
> code perhaps?
> In case you're wondering why I might want to do such a thing, the
> answer is heat. The phone seems to run much warmer when using Android
> code and I have installed Sygic maps. I had those on the N900 and liked
> their operation but that phone also ran very hot and would lose comms
> from the inbuilt GPS when it did so. Hence I'd like to avoid the same
> problem this time around.

Sailfish OS uses Geoclue1 positioning stack. It is possible to add the 
necessary components to provide an external Bluetooth GPS source. I suggest 
looking into gpsd and the geoclue-gpsd provider.


Aaron McCarthy
SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list

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