
>From my point of view (as a community member, not a sailor) this case is 
>closed. Filip had his opportunity to talk about the topic, community reserved 
>him 20 minutes to do so, instead he didn't want to talk but keep on spamming 
>mailing list, even after several community members already asked him to stop. 
>(And at least one unsubscribed because of that.)
I propose we have topic in next community meeting about need (if any) for 
general conversation mailing list for  SailfishOS community related topics and 
keep this as developer mailing list, concentrating on technical details. It's 
not my decision to make that mailing list, I would like to hear community's 
opinion first. If there's even need, I don't know.

What comes to publishing emails I have sent, I don't give my permission to do 
so. Those are private emails from community member to another. We need to trust 
each others and respect, as I am doing also without pointing out any details 
from personal mails Filip has sent to me. And I won't, as it would be brake of 
promise and it would be disrespectful towards Filip.

Iekku Pylkkä, community member

From: devel-boun...@lists.sailfishos.org [devel-boun...@lists.sailfishos.org] 
on behalf of Filip Kłębczyk [fklebc...@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, May 23, 2014 7:29 AM
To: devel@lists.sailfishos.org
Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] Discrimination and abuse from Jolla employee 
Thomas Perl

I would like to ask where is Marc usually shouting on stage about the
values? He is also silent.
Where was Jolla community manager through all this time?
Once again isn't it strange that Thomas is silent through all the time?

Have you seen his tweet yesterday?

"Meanwhile, back in the real world, people get stuff done. gPodder 4.2.0
"Jungle" released: http://gpodder.org/news  Enjoy!"

*Meanwhile, back in the real world, people get stuff done.*

Is all that perfectly fine as it seems from your tweet?

Thomas you are doing harm to yourself. Yes, you definitely need a
professional care, the one you recommended me a year ago. Yes, I have
went through 5 months of psychotherapy from my own will. Yes, I'm not
afraid to speak about that fact, because it's nothing wrong if someone
looks for help and does something about it. I took the intensive mode
with biweekly sessions, because I wanted to solve the part of the
problem that was on my side and have a better life.

What I have learned during psychotherapy in the end? That Carsten Munk
was psycho-manipulating me by guilt tripping to make me feel guilty and
be ashamed of myself. Why he was ready to manipulate someone that was a
friend?  Because he was afraid that Thomas may leave the company and
company and his skunkworks R&D was much more important to him, than my
harm. He told me that in the mid-January in a moment of honesty when he
was drunk, that he is seriously afraid of the fact that Thomas may leave
Jolla if I would join the company. Carsten confirm how you have called
me on that day? You said that I was your long-term investment. When on
one of the next days I was outraged that you treat me like an object,
like a pawn in a strategy game you decided to made an offer. Carsten
offered me that he will help me to get a job at Jolla if I will be
silent about discrimination problem and move away from (open source)
stuff that is connected with Thomas. He gave me the time period to two
weeks after MWC. Will you Carsten deny that? Yes that was my mistake
that I've agreed to such a deal and got corrupted. I was feeling I've
agreed to something highly unfair and it's something I'm ashamed of.
Carsten also said many times that both me and Thomas are behaving like
idiots. Why does he lacks courage to say so now? Has he said that ever
to Thomas or was it only saying that to me?

Carsten, will you be proud before your son and your wife of what you are
doing now? You told something about baptisment of your son on IRC, so I
assume you are a Christian (in contrast to me who is an atheist). I
would like to ask does your God approve such behaviour? I know that you
wanted to protect and help both Thomas and me, but you have chosen a
completly wrong and harming path. That's not how problems should be
solved, you don't have a degree and practical experience in psychology
to tell people what to do. Well in fact if you haven't noticed
psychotherapists don't tell people what to do, they learn about them and
help them understand the problems they have.

How long this mess will have to continue? Will Jolla and its employees
find a courage to approach the whole problem seriously? Maybe they never
will, but that would be disappointing to all the people that trusted them.

You know what I feel? I feel very, very sad that Thomas and Carsten are
destroying their own lives with this. In the background we see a company
that has completely lost its common sense and forgot that any business
should be run in an ethical way, especially if Jolla is claiming to be
respectful and unlike, like they did.

It makes me sad, completely sad how so much intelligent and talented
people in technical areas are completely blind to a serious problem that
is happening and at all cost are trying to hide it under the carpet.

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