19.8.2014 19:35, Chris Walker:
In this document -
it says 'ToDo: Describe where to install private QML imports, how to
import them in QML code, how libsailfishapp sets the import path and
the naming requirements for Harbour QA.'

Is there any such documentation or can anybody here point me to some
docs describing the import? I'm struggling to make an import path work.
I would would also really like to know how to properly do this. It can easily be done with qmlscene - you just use -I and point to the folder where your QML plugin resides. But with qmlscene I need to resort to hideous packaging hacks (basically butchering the QML-only plugin folder to be in the same folder as the main.qml file and then replacing "Import foo 1.0" by "Import ../foo") that are both very very ugly and fragile.

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