On Thu, Apr 30, 2015, at 01:49, Martin Kolman wrote:
> Also what about QtPositioning ? I know that the pull request for RPM 
> validator has already been merged a while ago,
> but when I recently tried to submit an application using QtPositioning 
> to Harbour, I got a reply that is actually still not yet allowed...

I too submitted an application to Harbour once RPM validator was
updated. I could easily clone the repository and run the validator and
thought Harbour QA could as well...

On Thu, Apr 30, 2015, at 08:57, Reto Zingg wrote:
> the new APIs get allowed once the matching SDK is out. As 
> communicated earlier QtPosition will be allowed with 1.1.4.x

Not that it was communicated, but eventually I did figure that out. I
understand SDK release and update are good times to make an
announcement, but continuing to block QtPositioning seems rather
pointless, especially since we don't use the SDK and the allowed version
of QtPositioning is already in Sailfish OS.

Osmo Salomaa <otsal...@iki.fi>
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