Hi Matt

Having spent some hours pouring over the nemomobile TelepathyQt / Mission-Control code in Github, it looks to me like TelepathyQt and MissionControl master branches are out of sync (and hence the packages on my Jolla will also be out of sync).

https://github.com/nemomobile-packages/telepathy-mission-control/tree/master/telepathy-mission-control/xml still has the interface in draft form (Channel_Dispatcher_Interface_Messages_DRAFT.xml), but in TelepathyQt the equivalent is now Channel_Dispatcher_Interface_Messages1.xml (i.e. "undrafted").

I have also had a peek in the collabora git for telepathy-mission-control, and find these 2 commits that undraft the interface on the mission-control side.


I guess that the Telepathy modules previously on my device both had the interface in DRAFT form which explains why the code previously worked.

What is the best way of reporting this? https://bugs.nemomobile.org/ ?


Am 2015-08-10 02:15, schrieb Matthew Vogt:
Mission control appears to implement the
interface now - see:


Perhaps your telepathy-qt packages and your telepathy-mission-control
packages are not in sync?


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