
try having a look at this

2015-08-13 14:14 GMT+01:00 Antonio Mancini <ziobill...@gmail.com>:

> Hi all, i need to access a property of a C++ Class, declared inside
> another class, from QML.
> This is the principal class:
> #ifndef MANAGER_H
>> #define MANAGER_H
>> #include <QObject>
>> #include <QTextStream>
>> #include <QFile>
>> #include "monster.h"
>> #include "move.h"
>> #include "turnmanager.h"
>> class Manager : public QObject
>> {
>>     Q_OBJECT
>> public:
>>     explicit Manager(QObject *parent = 0);
>>     int activeId;
>>     QString activeString;
>>     int enemyId;
>>     Monster active;
>>     Monster enemy;
>>     Move activeMove;
>>     Move enemyMove;
>>     Q_INVOKABLE void saveActive();
>>     Q_INVOKABLE void fetchMonster( const int &level );
>>     Q_INVOKABLE void assignMoves(Monster &monster );
>>     Q_INVOKABLE void setMove( Move &move, const int &id );
>> signals:
>>     void fetchMonsterDone();
>> public slots:
>> };
>> #endif // MANAGER_H
> this is the Monster Class:
> #ifndef MONSTER_H
>> #define MONSTER_H
>> #include <QObject>
>> #include <QString>
>> #include <math.h>
>> #include "move.h"
>> class Monster : public QObject
>> {
>>     Q_OBJECT
>> public:
>>     explicit Monster(QObject *parent = 0);
>>     ...
>>     QString name;
>>     ...
>> };
>> #endif // MONSTER_H
> in my qml page i include the class properly and i have something like this:
> Page {
>     id: page
>     Manager {
>         id: manager
>         onFetchMonsterDone: {
>              console.log("Fetch done")
>>         }
>     }
>     Label {
>         id: label
>     }
> }
> after doing some operations with fetchMonster(), the "active" class has
> been assigned some values to its properties, i need to access these values
> from QML in the "onFetchMonsterDone", let's say i need to assign to
> label.text the value of manager.active.name
> OR
> i read there are some ways to access end edit QML properties from C++
> Can someone help me?
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