It depends if your app is configured (via .desktop file) to be running as
single instance or not;
and that is related to the launcher  (which is enforced on SFOS btw);
see "How can I disable single-instance launching?" under

If the application is already open, lipstick will just raise the previously
opened window.
It is a good question about what the app does with the arguments...


On Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 12:09 AM, r0kk3rz <> wrote:

> Hi Developers,
> How does Lipstick handle xdg-open in cases when the app is already running?
> When the app isn't running, I can currently open a file through xdg-open,
> which opens the app and passes in the file url as a command line parameter.
> I expected that upon subsequent xdg-open calls, it would also call the
> program with command line parameter, which I could use to check for an open
> instance on dbus, fire off a method call, and close again. Sounds easy, but
> this doesn't seem to be the case.
> If the app is already open, it comes into focus, and presumably needs some
> kind of an interface to get the open args?
> Watching dbus-monitor, i can see the following happen as i am trying to
> open a file
> method call sender=:1.394 -> dest=org.freedesktop.DBus serial=1
> path=/org/freedesktop/DBus; interface=org.freedesktop.DBus; member=Hello
> signal sender=:1.394 -> dest=(null destination) serial=2
> path=/org/gtk/gio/DesktopAppInfo; interface=org.gtk.gio.DesktopAppInfo;
> member=Launched
> which has a parameter with my file url that i'm trying to open. And then
> lipstick brings my app into focus with this straight after
> method call sender=:1.390 -> dest=org.nemomobile.lipstick serial=3
> path=/WindowModel; interface=local.Lipstick.WindowModel;
> member=launchProcess
>    string "/usr/bin/harbour-sirensong"
> Any information about how this is supposed to work?
> Regards,
> Lewis Rockliffe
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