Okay! After doing it from the sqlite3 shell another time, the
integrity_check succeeded on the new file.


On Tue, Oct 27, 2015 at 9:10 AM, Tone Kastlunger <users.giulie...@gmail.com>

> Hey Matthew;
> thanks for the fast reply!
> Here's what I get from the new DB (after having run sqlite3
> qtcontacts-sqlite/contacts.db "pragma integrity_check;" on the newly
> created db):
> [nemo@Jolla Contacts]$ sqlite3 qtcontacts-sqlite/contacts.db "pragma
> integrity_check;"
> *** in database main ***
> On tree page 3275 cell 0: invalid page number 11395
> On tree page 3275 cell 0: Rowid 271735 out of order (min less than parent
> min of 524637)
> On tree page 2 cell 1: Child page depth differs
> and a bunch of the following:
> Page xx is never used
> Needless to say, after reboot, contact app shows no contacts at all (of
> course :) ).
> Best,
> tk
> On Tue, Oct 27, 2015 at 12:30 AM, Matthew Vogt <matthew.v...@jolla.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Tone.
>> Yes, it sounds like you have a corrupted contacts database.  Any idea how
>> that might have happened?
>> In any case, you can try to recreate the database to fix the issue.  You
>> need to do something along the lines of the following (but please
>> sanity-check these instructions before running them, I'm typing them into
>> email, not having tested them on device!):
>> You will need to have a privileged user session:
>> $ devel-su -p
>> Then stop everything that might be writing to the contacts database:
>> $ systemctl --user stop lipstick
>> $ systemctl --user stop msyncd
>> $ systemctl --user stop contactsd
>> $ systemctl --user stop as-daemon
>> Change to the directory where the database resides:
>> $ cd ~/.local/share/system/privileged/Contacts
>> Check that DB is actually corrupted; this will say 'ok' if there are no
>> problems, or report a bunch of error messages:
>> $ sqlite3 qtcontacts-sqlite/contacts.db "pragma integrity_check;"
>> If there are problems, continue:
>> Make a backup copy of the broken DB just in case we lose something:
>> $ mkdir bkp
>> $ cp -R qtcontacts-sqlite bkp/
>> Dump the DB contents:
>> $ mkdir temp
>> $ sqlite3 qtcontacts-sqlite/contacts.db .dump > temp/dump.sql
>> Record the current schema version of the DB, which is reported by the
>> following command (it is probably 15 or 16 or something similar):
>> $ sqlite3 qtcontacts-sqlite/contacts.db "pragma user_version;"
>> Recreate the database from the dump:
>> $ mkdir new-db
>> $ sqlite3 new-db/contacts.db < temp/dump.sql
>> Set the schema version in the new database, where VER is the number
>> reported above:
>> $ sqlite3 new-db/contacts.db "pragma user_version = <VER>;"
>> Move the new database to be the device database:
>> $ mv qtcontacts-sqlite old-db
>> $ mv new-db qtcontacts-sqlite
>> Then reboot, and the device will restart using the new version of the DB.
>> You can then remove the bkp, temp and old-db directories, assuming things
>> went well.  If things did not go well, you can restore the old-db directory
>> to the 'qtcontacts-sqlite' location (after stopping everything as we did
>> earlier) and contact me directly.
>> Thanks,
>> Matt
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* devel-boun...@lists.sailfishos.org [
>> devel-boun...@lists.sailfishos.org] on behalf of Tone Kastlunger [
>> users.giulie...@gmail.com]
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, October 27, 2015 5:47 AM
>> *To:* devel@lists.sailfishos.org
>> *Subject:* [SailfishDevel] Contacts db issue
>> Hey;
>> looking through the logs (for something else) on my Jolla I happened to
>> find the
>> following error; it appears to be realated to the contacts db. Any way to
>> fix it?
>>  "Failed to prepare query for joined details:
>>                               database disk image is malformed Unable to
>> fetch row
>>                               Query:
>>                               SELECT
>> Details.detailId,Details.contactId,Details.detail,Details.detailUri,Details.linkedDetailUris,Details.contexts,Details.accessConstraints,Details.provenance,COALESCE(Details.modifiable,
>> 0),COALESCE(Details.nonexportable,
>> 0),Addresses.*,Anniversaries.*,Avatars.*,Birthdays.*,EmailAddresses.*,Families.*,GeoLocations.*,Guids.*,Hobbies.*,Nicknames.*,Notes.*,OnlineAccounts.*,Organizations.*,PhoneNumbers.*,Presences.*,Ringtones.*,Tags.*,Urls.*,OriginMetadata.*,GlobalPresences.*,ExtendedDetails.*
>> FROM temp.RegenerateAggregate CROSS JOIN Details ON Details.contactId =
>> temp.RegenerateAggregate.contactId LEFT JOIN Addresses ON
>> Addresses.detailId = Details.detailId LEFT JOIN Anniversaries ON
>> Anniversaries.detailId = Details.detailId LEFT JOIN Avatars ON
>> Avatars.detailId = Details.detailId LEFT JOIN Birthdays ON
>> Birthdays.detailId = Details.detailId LEFT JOIN EmailAddresses ON
>> EmailAddresses.detailId = Details.detailId LEFT JOIN Families ON
>> Families.detailId = Details.detailId LEFT JOIN GeoLocations ON
>> GeoLocations.detailId = Details.detailId LEFT JOIN Guids ON Guids.detailId
>> = Details.detailId LEFT JOIN Hobbies ON Hobbies.detailId = Details.detailId
>> LEFT JOIN Nicknames ON Nicknames.detailId = Details.detailId LEFT JOIN
>> Notes ON Notes.detailId = Details.detailId LEFT JOIN OnlineAccounts ON
>> OnlineAccounts.detailId = Details.detailId LEFT JOIN Organizations ON
>> Organizations.detailId = Details.detailId LEFT JOIN PhoneNumbers ON
>> PhoneNumbers.detailId = Details.detailId LEFT JOIN Presences ON
>> Presences.detailId = Details.detailId LEFT JOIN Ringtones ON
>> Ringtones.detailId = Details.detailId LEFT JOIN Tags ON Tags.detailId =
>> Details.detailId LEFT JOIN Urls ON Urls.detailId = Details.detailId LEFT
>> JOIN OriginMetadata ON OriginMetadata.detailId = Details.detailId LEFT JOIN
>> GlobalPresences ON GlobalPresences.detailId = Details.detailId LEFT JOIN
>> ExtendedDetails ON ExtendedDetails.detailI
>> Oct 26 21:38:30 Jolla [1156]: [W]
>> ContactWriter::regenerateAggregates:3652 - "Failed to read constituent
>> contacts for aggregate 8487 during regenerate"
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