Hi Peter,

All of this is just my opinion, and not necessarily representative of the views 
of Jolla.

The reason is that SQL is simple, maintainable, and performant.
Yes, there are some edges which need to be handled carefully, but in general, 
sqlite is the perfect solution for this type of data.

Nokia tried to break out of the silos by putting all the data into 
system-ranging semantic-web style RDF-triple or object-relationship datastores 
(first Tracker and then JSONdb) and both of those projects failed in part due 
to the unmanageable complexity and poor performance they entail.  Even 
relatively simple projects which rely on Tracker (like data file metadata 
collectors) are plagued with issues which require in-depth expertise to resolve.

Relationships between identified, precisely specified data blobs can be stored 
separately, and still give 95% of the advantages, without the complexity, using 
databases and software components which any competent developer can maintain 
and improve.


From: devel-boun...@lists.sailfishos.org [devel-boun...@lists.sailfishos.org] 
on behalf of Peter Kovacs [legi...@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2016 5:41 PM
To: Sailfish OS Developers
Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] Sailfish OS Open Source Community Collaboration 
Meeting 2nd of June 2016

I would actually like to know why SQL stuff.
Datastructure types I am think of on the Phone are relationships (Facebook 
style) or transactional.
And both are not ideal to solve with relational dbs.

I guess the Answer is because every one does it. But that is not really 
satisfactory.  Would there be an interest to use something else?

Tone Kastlunger 
 schrieb am Do., 2. Juni 2016, 09:33:
Hi Chris;

>2) API to access Calendar data.  Correct, currently we don't provide access to 
>calendar API in Harbour.  The reason is that we want to use QtOrganizer as the 
>public API, but to do that we need to write a QtOrganizer engine backend >for 
>mkcal (note that one already existed in QtMobility days, which is open source, 
>so we can potentially adapt that one with relatively little effort.  Help with 
>that effort would be greatly appreciated).  Eventually, I'd like to develop a 
>>QtOrganizer backend directly in sqlite, for performance and maintainability 
>reasons (mkcal has several design and implementation problems, in my opinion), 
>at which point QtOrganizer can become the platform API (not just the 3rd 
>>party API).

I guess the worload to push it all the way to QtOrganizer requires scratching 
the existing backend / rewriting a big part of the cal app?

On Thu, Jun 2, 2016 at 5:06 AM, Chris Adams 
Hi everyone,

I will try to be at the meeting tonight, but I cannot promise (it's held at 
11:30 pm in my timezone).

A couple of the questions relate to areas I am involved with, so I'll try to 
provide some information in case I don't make it to the meeting.  If you have 
any follow up questions or discussion, feel free to contact me directly via 
email or on Freenode IRC (chriadam is my nick).

1) Contact Note details.  This is tracked internally by JB#14734.  As you 
mentioned, it's supported in the backend, but not in the People app UI.  It was 
on going to be part of the apps overhaul which was planned prior to the 
financial difficulties last year, and since then this has fallen off the radar. 
 It requires design input, because you can have multiple Note details in a 
single contact.  I've just pinged our lead designer in the bug report again, in 
case he can fit it in sometime soon.

2) API to access Calendar data.  Correct, currently we don't provide access to 
calendar API in Harbour.  The reason is that we want to use QtOrganizer as the 
public API, but to do that we need to write a QtOrganizer engine backend for 
mkcal (note that one already existed in QtMobility days, which is open source, 
so we can potentially adapt that one with relatively little effort.  Help with 
that effort would be greatly appreciated).  Eventually, I'd like to develop a 
QtOrganizer backend directly in sqlite, for performance and maintainability 
reasons (mkcal has several design and implementation problems, in my opinion), 
at which point QtOrganizer can become the platform API (not just the 3rd party 

3) Email app development.  Yes, you're absolutely right that the Email 
application hasn't received much development effort since Valerio unfortunately 
left.  Yes, I would personally like to see it (along with other apps like 
Clock, Notes, and Calendar) opensourced.  No, I don't know what the status of 
the opensourcing discussions with the Board Of Directors is, so I cannot give a 
roadmap for that possibility.  However, the "engine" of the email application 
is already open source (except for the Exchange/ActiveSync plugin) - we use QMF 
(Qt Messaging Framework) for email handling.  See 
 etc for that stuff.  Speak to Matt Vogt (mvogt on Freenode IRC) for code 
reviews etc.

In general, the Sailfish OS wiki has been updated with a lot of information 
about the various software components which make up the Sailfish OS stack 
(including links to the open-source repositories), so you should be able to 
find most of the information you need to help develop these components, from 
 and the drill-down links from that page.

Finally, I don't know much about Bluetooth, but I know that we're looking at 
updating to Bluez 5 right now (development is currently ongoing to port the Qt 
stack across, possibly by using the KDE bluez-qt wrappers), so it's possible 
that the tethering issue will be addressed as part of that, with the new stack 
- but again, that's not my area so I might be incorrect.


 on behalf of James Noori 
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2016 11:15 PM
Subject: [SailfishDevel] Sailfish OS Open Source Community Collaboration 
Meeting 2nd of June 2016

Hi everyone!

Following up last week’s postponed Community collaboration meeting on IRC, this 
week’s meeting is going to be held at the agreed time and date, 2/6/2016 at 
13:30 UTC.

Please see this link for your local time (Redirects to 

Location: #mer-meeting on Freenode IRC

Chairperson: Jaymzz

Duration: Approximately 100 minutes.

Thanks to everyone who has responded and added topics on TJC: 

Proposed topics:

-          Intro (5min)

-          Bluetooth tethering - status of the fix (20min)

-         2016 roadmap (15min)

-          Show notes of contact (opensource contact app?) (15 min)

-          API to access calendar (15 min)

-          Email app development (15 min)

-     Requesting things to be added to mer-tools repo (5 min)

-     General Discussion (5-10 min)

Please familiarize yourself with the topics before the meeting, as well

as the common Meetbot commands 

used for meeting management and logging)

Best regards,
James Noori, Community Manager at Jolla

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