
I tried zyppering the package, but

Error code: connection failed
Error message: Couldn't resolve host: 'releases.jolla.com'

$ ping
connect: Network is unreachable

So I have no networking inside the VM.

Last upgrade was a couple of days ago, next will be today. I did reboot ;)

The port is open:

State Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address:Port Peer Address:Port LISTEN 0 10 *:* users:(("VirtualBox",pid=31842,fd=47))

I'm the member of the following groups: adm, bumblebee, lp, sudo, vboxusers, wheel

On 21.07.2016 07:50, Martin Kampas wrote:
Hi Marcin,

failed.log, statefs.log: both failing statefs and tmpfiles are known issues and shouldn't be related to this.

sshd.log: according to the log you mistyped "sshd" as "ssh", but anyway "sshd.service" is not used, instead you should check the status of "sshd.socket". Also note that the config is "/etc/ssh/sshd_config_engine".

If the output of `journalctl _COMM=sshd -b` was empty after trying to log in via SSH even with verbosity increased, then my suspicion falls on host/virtualbox.

You could also verify with tcpdump that it did not reach the guest (install with `zypper in tcpdump`, run as `tcpdump -n port ssh` inside the MerSDK VM). And on host you can check that the ports are really occupied by virtualbox with `sudo ss -tpln |grep ':222[23]\>'`.

I am also using Arch Linux as you (last full system upgrade on 2016-06-28) and it works well. Did you try reboot? :)



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