Yes you're right, the project is make based

On Thursday, 3 November 2016, Martin Kampas <> wrote:

> Hi Iosif,
> > in my makefile I have defined DEBUG & _DEBUG and I don't use for the
> debug version the linker flag -s (for stripping)
> This sounds like your project is not using Qmake - if this is true than I
> am not sure I can help you.
> > Does anyone know if there is a setting in the QtCreator IDE or any other
> way so that I am not transferred into assembly but on the actual .cpp file
> so I can check the code?
> For Qmake based projects debugging on Sailfish devices works out of box
> including navigation to source code. Just switch to debug build
> configuration in Projects mode, rebuild, and you can start debugging.
> Debugger will transfer you to your source code for sure. Does this work for
> you with basic application created with the "Sailfish OS Qt Quick
> Application" wizard?
> BR,
> Martin

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