Only in theory you can use SDL2 because there is a bug and they haven't
fixed it. The bug I mention is that you cannot have landscape mode and if
you create a game/app in portrait mode but you render the scene 90 degrees
so that it looks like it's landscape then they will not accept it in the

I've tried sending them several games, all rejected for this reason. I have
informed them of the landscape bug and it was they who suggested the
rotated rendering. I modified my code and submitted my games but again they
rejected the games.

Also using the SDL2 library it consumes more power when in background than
using QML so it was another reason they rejected the games.

Last I think there is difference between the Jolla and Jolla C device. For
some reason rendering on the simulator for either device works using
SDL2/SDL2_image, but on the actual device this combination works on Jolla
but under Jolla C I was told it doesn't render anything just displays black

As I don't have access to Jolla C device I cannot test/debug on the actual
device to find the bug
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