mandag den 12. marts 2018 12.28.29 CET skrev Lukáš Karas:
Try to setup `currentIndex` of `SilicaListView` to -1 explicitly... From my experience, when model of list view is updated, first delegated item steal focus from search field and keyboard is hidden...

    SilicaListView {
        id: listView
        anchors.fill: parent

        currentIndex: -1 // otherwise currentItem will steal focus

        // ...

Thanks that works :-)

Dne pondělí 12. března 2018 12:11:10 CET Jesper Schmitz Mouridsen napsal(a):
Hi list.

I'm making a searchable (play)list for vlc-remote's playlist

At the moment I'm using a timer to regain focus on the SearchField in
the header, since it looses focus on every single char input. (After the ...

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