> Yes, it's pre-community
s/Yes, it's pre-community/Yes, it's gecko / pre-quantum.

The main issue with servo is the wayland support currently:


On Thu, Dec 6, 2018 at 7:19 AM Tone Kastlunger <users.giulie...@gmail.com>

> Yes, its pre-community.
> I strongly believe the need for a browser is extremely relevant.
> Compiling rust is not easy, currently blocked at 1.27, still a way to go
> to get to latest levels (see
> https://build.merproject.org/package/live_build_log/home:tortoisedoc:branches:home:sfietkonstantin:sailfish:rust/rust-1.27.2/
> )
> there's some llvm issue there, currently.
> It's not easy, but it seems to be possible, at least.
> Best,
> tk
> On Sat, Dec 1, 2018 at 9:18 PM E.S. Rosenberg <
> es.rosenberg+sailfishos....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On which version of the mozilla engine is the browser currently based
>> (it's pre-quantum that much I remember)?
>> Wasn't there a community/mer project to update the browser?
>> Op za 1 dec. 2018 om 17:21 schreef Trolli Schmittlauch <
>> t.schmittlauch...@orlives.de>:
>>> Hi,
>>> > Anyway, when can I expect public roadmap to be published?
>>> I briefly asked this in the last community meeting [1], that was the
>>> answer:
>>> > 09:34:55 <Jaymzz> schmittlauch[m]: That is being worked on actually.
>>> There will be a roadmap pretty soon on the blog
>>> So it might be Jolla-soonish, but at least there are some concrete plans
>>> being worked on.
>>> > In particular I'm very interested in better browser
>>> But as others mentioned as well, I'm a bit skeptical whether we can see
>>> definitive plans for the browser on there. So let's see what the rest of
>>> this year brings.
>>> Best,
>>> schmittlauch
>>> [1] log:
>>> http://merproject.org/meetings/mer-meeting/2018/mer-meeting.2018-11-29-09.00.log.html
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