So, Image itself isn't doing the texture rendering? but the closest container does it?

but, how would it explain that the problem doesn't occur if i put multiple such images in a single delegate? and even in the example that has the problem, the Image is not directly the delegate, but there's Item in between?

Sander van Grieken schreef op 2019-06-01 19:28:
ListView probably doesn't split its surface into multiple textures if
the texture size is exceeded.

A computer probably has a larger texture size, but you'll probably run
into the same issue on even

larger images.



On vrijdag 31 mei 2019 01:57:52 CEST AL13N wrote:

I have a ListView with an ListItem delegate and an Image in it;

when i have 2 images with a large height on it next to each other,

scrolling to it, i get an EGL Texture error .

doing this on a computer does not show this error.

if you do a ListView with a ListItem and it has those 3 Image and

are anchored, then scrolling through them is not a problem at all.

I suspect it has something to do with how the ListView is

the image, maybe parallel initialization or something?

anyone have an idea for a workaround?


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