Le jeudi 27 juin 2019 à 09:23 +0200, James Noori a écrit :
>     Hi all, 
>     As we do not have any topics announced for today's meeting and
>       there is an internal meeting dangerously close to this
>       collaboration meeting that I have to attend, I would have to
>       postpone this meeting. 
>     Next meeting will be held on July 11th 2019 at 08:00 UTC.
>     Please announce your topics at the planning page linked below,
>       thanks!
>     Link:
> https://together.jolla.com/question/54157/sailfishos-open-source-collaboration-meeting-planning/
>     Best regards,
>       James Noori,
>       Community Manager,
>       Jolla

here's a topic for next meeting, not enough karma to add to the page :

Name / IRC nick: vknecht

Topic: WIP AOSP8 rebase for X / X Compact
Been working to bring Nile-style port to Loire and getting to my
limits.Device boots but no USB connectivity nor GUI yet, mainly due to
dhc patternproblem preventing mic to copy sparse/ files to rootfs.Is
Jolla ready to help, or better get the ball rolling and update official
port using this work ?
Approx time needed: 20 mn
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