I don't think there's an "official" way of maintaining backward compatibility but I'd humbly suggest something like if ("color" in icon) ...

e.g. I do this kind of thing to notifications:

    Notification {
        id: clipboardNotification
        previewBody: "Copied to clipboard"
        Component.onCompleted: {
            if ("icon" in clipboardNotification) {
                clipboardNotification.icon = "icon-s-clipboard"




due to the changes in handling of icon coloring of IconButton in SFOS 3.1, I am getting a steady stream of EA users complaining about the absence of icons in Pure Maps - as in http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=1558483&postcount=773 . The issue has been described well in https://together.jolla.com/question/209315/bug-31011-qml-iconbutton-problems/ without any response from Jolla devs. Let's see if we can get this response over here.

In Pure Maps, icons are expected to be drawn according to the styling given by map, not by ambience. I was told that I can set icon.color: undefined as a property. However, when doing it for SFOS versions <3.1, this leads to lots of warning messages on stdout. What's an official way that I am expected to use when I want to support earlier SFOS versions as well?



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