Thank you Slava, 
but I think the message is coming
from /usr/lib/buteo-plugins-qt5//oopp/syncemail-client

and I have nothing to do with that client :/

I even wonder if it is left over or installed by default, as I am not aware
of using it.

thanks in advance


Slava Monich wrote:

> _ZN5Buteo13PluginManagerC1Ev is Buteo::PluginManager::PluginManager()
> $ c++filt _ZN5Buteo13PluginManagerC1Ev
> Buteo::PluginManager::PluginManager()
> There's no such thing:
> These are available constructors:
> $ nm -D /usr/lib/ | grep ZN5Buteo13PluginManagerC
> 0003f0b8 T _ZN5Buteo13PluginManagerC1ERK7QString
> 0003f0b8 T _ZN5Buteo13PluginManagerC2ERK7QString
> $ c++filt _ZN5Buteo13PluginManagerC1ERK7QString
> Buteo::PluginManager::PluginManager(QString const&)
> Something must be wrong with your build environment, e.g. you're pulling
> in wrong headers from somewhere.

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