On 13/04/2020 15:54, E.S. Rosenberg wrote:
> Recently I've noticed my phone running out of memory more often.
> I've update to but I also released a newer version of gPodder
> which may be guilty of this.
> However closing gPodder does not release memory so I'm not really sure
> if I should blame myself or that lipstick is after all leaking memory.
> Also how does one optimize a qml/python apps memory usage? Neither is
> managed to the best of my knowledge.
> I may have time later to test the level of involvement of gPodder by
> downgrading.

Hi Eli,

If the memory isn't released when gPodder's closed (assuming the app is
definitely closed, and not just hidden), then it's highly unlikely to be
gPodder draining your memory.

A very simple way to check memory usage is just to take a look at the
output of "top". The following will show everything running ordered by
memory usage and keep it updated:

top -o %MEM

Or if you just want to track gPodder you could use something like this:

top -o %MEM -p `pgrep sailfish-qml`

I used sailfish-qml as the app name, since probably that's what gPodder
will be called if it's QML/python-only, but you can change it to
whatever you're interested in.

Finally I was going to suggest to run it with valgrind, which gives a
summary of memory leaks when you close the app and I've found useful in
the past for C++ code. Unfortunately when I tried it on another QML-only
app the results weren't very helpful at all. So this may not be a
helpful route to go down.

Nevertheless I uploaded an RPM to openrepos in case it's helpful in some
other context:


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