Yo Mike!

On Sun, 19 Jun 2016 17:46:48 -0400
Mike <bellyac...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > What do your other chimers in 'ntpq -p show'?  Youu still have not
> > confirmmed which PPS edge you are on.  The leading or trailing.

> I'll likely put an arrow through this module before I'm able to get a 
> scope hooked up too it!  So leading or trailing is a coin toss at
> this point.
Which is why I asked what your other chimers say.  If you have
a chimer without 30 milliSec of you that is usuually good enough to 
check your edge.

> At that point
> NMEA deliver was really late, as in > .940 that I was seeing
> earlier.

To disabiguate 'late' I assume you mean the NMEA timestamp fractional
seconds is for later in tthe second, not zero.

>  I wasn't real pleased and figured I'd have to reset the
> setting to get the NMEA delivery back to top of second.  Left is
> alone for several hours, come back and gpsmon shows that I was back
> to getting delivery close to the top of second again.

Yes, that is expected.  You need to tetll the Skytrazzq to force the
top of the second, and save to flash.

> At that point PPS looks good, NMEA is way out, where before I had 
> powered the module down is was looking pretty good.

I'm not sure what you mean by 'way out'.

>  I'll probably
> have to pull that info from the statistics if it's really relevant. I
> get that I can fudge out the difference shown above.  One shouldn't
> have to do that every time something is powered off though.

You should be within +/- 150 milliSec if you start with the right
fudge.  The NMEA not being at the top of the second should not
affect that at all.

> I believe that the ntpshmmon output was showing that PPS is picking
> up the first seen and NMEA is picking up the second.

Your ntpshmmon it misleading you.  It is corrypted by a bug, that is
now fixed.  Rerun with the ntpshmmon which is now in git hear.

Gary E. Miller Rellim 109 NW Wilmington Ave., Suite E, Bend, OR 97703
        g...@rellim.com  Tel:+1 541 382 8588

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