On 12/07/2017 07:43 AM, Eric S. Raymond via devel wrote:
How important is your individual way of doing things?  Would you be willing
to tolerate some inconvenience if that made the rest of us more productive?
In principle, yes.  I'd need to be persuaded that the net was positive -
that the rest of you got sped up more than I got slowed down.  Past
experience makes me skeptical of such claims.

The perspective of a noob might be helpful here: Before I was allowed to push to master I routinely had to stop work for hours (a couple times >1 day) because I needed to make a commit and there was no one around to merge it. I am not aware of any change in my bug production rate around the increased permissions that isn't directly attributable to generally increased experience.

I am unsure of how "the rest of us" will be more productive if even the noobs are randomly ground to a halt waiting.

/"In the end; what separates a Man, from a Slave? Money? Power? No. A Man Chooses, a Slave Obeys."/ -- Andrew Ryan

/"Utopia cannot precede the Utopian. It will exist the moment we are fit to occupy it."/ -- Sophia Lamb

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