Minutes:        http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-11-11-14.02.html
Minutes (text): http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-11-11-14.02.txt

#ovirt: oVirt Node Weekly Meeting

Meeting started by fabiand at 14:02:56 UTC. The full logs are available
at http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-11-11-14.02.log.html

Meeting summary
* Agenda  (fabiand, 14:03:05)
  * oVirt 3.5  (fabiand, 14:03:10)
  * Other Items  (fabiand, 14:03:14)

* oVirt 3.5  (fabiand, 14:03:19)
  * Node wasn't build isince last week, again on the list for this week
    (fabiand, 14:05:42)
  * ACTION: fabiand to build Node 3.5  (fabiand, 14:05:46)
  * HE support needs more love, some patches already in gerrit
    (fabiand, 14:06:45)
  * ACTION: team to review pending patches  (fabiand, 14:06:55)

* Other Items  (fabiand, 14:11:07)
  * tlitovsk to look at automation again (yey!)  (fabiand, 14:11:16)
  * ACTION: tlitovsk to reach out to infra team to get automation slowly
    on track again  (fabiand, 14:15:18)

Meeting ended at 14:16:46 UTC.

Action Items
* fabiand to build Node 3.5
* team to review pending patches
* tlitovsk to reach out to infra team to get automation slowly on track

Action Items, by person
* fabiand
  * fabiand to build Node 3.5
* tlitovsk
  * tlitovsk to reach out to infra team to get automation slowly on
    track again
  * team to review pending patches

People Present (lines said)
* fabiand (47)
* tlitovsk (8)
* rbarry (4)
* ovirtbot (2)

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