I tested Debian support:

   1. Check Jenkins automation for Debian package building and publishing
      - test result: Failed
      - bug opened: https://ovirt-jira.atlassian.net/browse/OVIRT-338
      - additional notes: deb81-vm01.phx.ovirt.org has been provisioned but
      not yet available in jenkins
   2. Check that oVirt Debian repository is available
      - test result: Passed
      - bug opened: -
      - additional notes:
   3. Check that VDSM is installable
      - test result: Failed
      - bug opened: *Bug 1251844* - [Debian] vdsm : Depends: linux-image
      but it is not installable
      - additional notes:
   4. Check that packages build within pbuilder
      - test result: Failed
      - bug opened:
         - *Bug 1251916* - [Debian] ioprocess doesn't build in pbuilder
         - *Bug 1251907* - [Debian] cpopen doesn't build in pbuilder
         - *Bug 1251910* - [Debian] pthreading doesn't build in pbuilder
         - *Bug 1251975* - [Debian] cpopen fails unit testing on
         - *Bug 1251952* - [Debian] ioprocess fails unit testing in
      - additional notes:

Update: deb81-vm01.phx.ovirt.org is now available in jenkins

Sandro Bonazzola
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