
during our second sprint, lasting 3 weeks, ending on January 15, the
Node team worked on the following items:

Add ovirt-release-host-node
This subpackage of ovirt-release now has all teh dependencies which
are expected to be available on node. In addition to vdsm, this
package also depends on cockpit and imgbased.
In addition this file carries systemd presets, to enable the relevant
services, it also provides the firewalld configuration of Node.
It also set's the VARIANT fields in teh os-release file to identify
node in a non-invasive way.

Add branding to ovirt-release-host-node
This is part of the next sprint but already completed: The release
file now also provides oVirt branding for cockpit!

Move imgbased to gerrit
imgbased is the component taking care of the image management on node.
Previously it was hosted on github, now it's on gerrit:

Yaml-ize imgbased and ovirt-node-ng jobs
The ovirt-node-ng repository holds the image recipe (and nothing
else), this repo was created adn yaml-ized and is building on jenkins.
The job for imgbased was also yamlized and is alos building on jenkins:

In the next sprint - 3 - the team will focus on further stabilizing
the jenkins builds, creating the update rpm and creating the required
disk layout during installation.

The bottom line is that the ovirt-node-ng image is now regularly build
in u/s - still a bit flaky, but it's there. The squashfs can be used
for installing node, as described here:

On behalf of the Node team
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