On Fri, Jan 6, 2017 at 12:45 PM, Vojtech Szocs <vsz...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> we'd like to upgrade the version of PatternFly (plus associated libraries,
> namely Bootstrap and jQuery) used in oVirt UI.
> Today, PatternFly stuff (PF + associated libraries) comes from
> `patternfly1`
> package hosted at Copr repo:
>   https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/patternfly/patternfly1/
> Today, we require `patternfly1` as both Engine RPM build dependency and the
> Engine devel. env. dependency.
> To keep things simple, I'd like to propose the following approach:
> - create oVirt specific package, e.g. `ovirt-patternfly`, hosted at Copr,
>   containing PatternFly + associated libraries (Bootstrap, jQuery) which
>   are intended *specifically* for use by oVirt UI (hence the ovirt prefix)

I've already done this, although it's currently named 'patternfly3'

However, we want to move it to our ovirt infra because copr sometimes goes
down, and that breaks CI jobs.

So, +1 from me, but let's move to ovirt infra.

> - discontinue maintenance of `patternfly1` package at Copr
> - keep the existing approach: require `ovirt-patternfly` as both the Engine
>   build dependency and the Engine devel. env. dependency
> An alternative approach would be to introduce Node.js as Engine devel. env.
> dependency (use `npm install` to pull PF stuff), while using the existing
> ovirt-engine-{nodejs,nodejs-modules} packages for Engine RPM build.
> However, this alternative has some downsides, namely complication of devel.
> env. just to fetch the PF stuff. I don't like the idea of complicating the
> existing devel. env. just for the sake of fetching some 3rd party libs.
> I'm wondering what others think about this.
> Regards,
> Vojtech

Greg Sheremeta, MBA
Red Hat, Inc.
Sr. Software Engineer
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