this Friday we have 1400 jobs in queue in jenkins while we never had more
than 100 jobs for the past 2 months. I initially thought it was ani nfra
issue but I double checked, there are 130 slaves working, the jobs are all
triggered by patches.

I hope that the eventual mass rebase is only for 4.2/master, I haven't
checked yet.

If the mass rebase is related to 4.1, I understand that having the release
candidate coming NEXT Monday many developers wants to ensure their patch
are included but really, you shouldn't wait the last second to push them.

If we want to build 4.1 RC on Monday please avoid to mush mass rebase over
the weekend until 4.1 is out or we won't have enough resources to build it.

Sorry for the rant.
Sandro Bonazzola
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