On 02/17/2017 06:00 AM, Marc Young wrote:
> I'm apparently really bad at email, I replied only to Shahar, not the
> whole thread.
> Vinzenz your email slipped first, so to answer your question:
> It's the latest Centos 7 with these installed:
> cloud-init-0.7.5-10.el7.centos.1
> kernel-3.10.0-514 <tel:3.10.0-514>.el7
> ovirt-guest-agent-common-1.0.13-1.20161220085008.git165fff1.el7.centos
> The setup script I use to create a template is here:
> https://github.com/myoung34/vagrant-ovirt4/blob/master/tools/prepare_redhat_for_box.sh
> <https://github.com/myoung34/vagrant-ovirt4/blob/master/tools/prepare_redhat_for_box.sh>

In that script you run "chkconfig cloud-init on" *before* installing the
cloud-init package. That is irrelevant, as the cloud-init services are
enabled by default when the package is installed. But worth changing.

> The engine-host is oVirt Engine Version:
> The ruby SDK i'm working with is 4.1.2
> Halfway through I realized that it's actually supported in the API:
>     custom_script String
>     dns_search String
>     dns_servers String
> It also shows usage here:
> https://github.com/oVirt/ovirt-engine-sdk-ruby/blob/master/sdk/examples/start_vm_with_cloud_init.rb
> <https://github.com/oVirt/ovirt-engine-sdk-ruby/blob/master/sdk/examples/start_vm_with_cloud_init.rb>
> Here's some verification:
>         66:           vm_configuration[:initialization][:dns_servers] =
>     iface_options[:dns_servers] unless iface_options[:dns_servers].nil?
>         67:           vm_configuration[:initialization][:dns_search] =
>     iface_options[:dns_search] unless iface_options[:dns_search].nil?
>         68:           require 'pry'
>         69:           binding.pry
>         70:
>      => 71:           machine.start(
>         72:             use_cloud_init: true,
>         73:             vm: vm_configuration
>         74:           )
>         75:
>         76:           @app.call(env)
>     [1] pry(#<VagrantPlugins::OVirtProvider::Action::StartVM>)>
>     vm_configuration
>     => {:initialization=>
>       {:host_name=>"test",
>        :nic_configurations=>[{:name=>"eth0", :on_boot=>true,
>     :boot_protocol=>"static", :ip=>{:version=>"v4",
>     :address=>"", :gateway=>"",
>     :netmask=>""}}],
>        :custom_script=>nil,
>        :dns_servers=>"",
>        :dns_search=>"test.local"}}
> But it didn't do anything:
>     [vagrant@test ~]$ cat /etc/resolv.conf
>     # Generated by NetworkManager
>     search localdomain
>     [vagrant@test ~]$ cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
>     NETMASK=
>     BOOTPROTO=static
>     DEVICE=eth0
>     IPADDR=
>     GATEWAY=
>     ONBOOT=yes
> The same is also true using cloud_init:
>         ovirt.cloud_init =<<EOF
>     write_files:
>       - content: |
>           wat
>         path: /tmp/something.txt
>         permissions: '0644'
>     network-interfaces: |
>       auto eth0
>       iface eth0 inet static
>         address
>         network
>         netmask
>         gateway
>         dns-nameservers
>     EOF

Is this ^ supposed to work in cloud-init? I didn't find it in the
documentation. I thought that the only way to provide network interface
configuration is via the 'openstack/content/whatever' file within the
generated floppy.

> and inspection:
>         66:           vm_configuration[:initialization][:dns_servers] =
>     iface_options[:dns_servers] unless iface_options[:dns_servers].nil?
>         67:           vm_configuration[:initialization][:dns_search] =
>     iface_options[:dns_search] unless iface_options[:dns_search].nil?
>         68:           require 'pry'
>         69:           binding.pry
>         70:
>      => 71:           machine.start(
>         72:             use_cloud_init: true,
>         73:             vm: vm_configuration
>         74:           )
>         75:
>         76:           @app.call(env)
>     [1] pry(#<VagrantPlugins::OVirtProvider::Action::StartVM>)>
>     vm_configuration
>     => {:initialization=>
>       {:host_name=>"test",
>        :nic_configurations=>[{:name=>"eth0", :on_boot=>true,
>     :boot_protocol=>"static", :ip=>{:version=>"v4",
>     :address=>"", :gateway=>"",
>     :netmask=>""}}],
>        :custom_script=>
>         "write_files:\n  - content: |\n      wat\n    path:
>     /tmp/something.txt\n    permissions: '0644'\nnetwork-interfaces: |\n
>     auto eth0\n  iface eth0 inet static\n    address\n
>     network\n    netmask\n    gateway
>\n    dns-nameservers\n",
>        :dns_servers=>"",
>        :dns_search=>"test.local"}}
> And here's my debugging after it comes up:
>     [vagrant@test ~]$ cat /etc/resolv.conf
>     # Generated by NetworkManager
>     search localdomain
>     [vagrant@test ~]$ cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
>     NETMASK=
>     BOOTPROTO=static
>     DEVICE=eth0
>     IPADDR=
>     GATEWAY=
>     ONBOOT=yes
>     [vagrant@test ~]$ cat /tmp/something.txt
>     wat
>     [vagrant@test ~]$ ping -c 3 www.google.com
>     <http://www.google.com/>ping: www.google.com
>     <http://www.google.com/>: Name or service not known
>     [vagrant@test ~]$ echo $'nameserver\nnameserver
>' | sudo tee -a /etc/resolv.conf >/dev/null
>     [vagrant@test ~]$ ping -c 3 www.google.com
>     <http://www.google.com/>PING www.google.com
>     <http://www.google.com/> ( 56(84) bytes of data.
>     64 bytes from den03s09-in-f4.1e100.net
>     <http://den03s09-in-f4.1e100.net/> ( icmp_seq=1
>     ttl=54 time=47.5 ms
>     64 bytes from den03s09-in-f4.1e100.net
>     <http://den03s09-in-f4.1e100.net/> ( icmp_seq=2
>     ttl=54 time=46.9 ms
>     64 bytes from den03s09-in-f4.1e100.net
>     <http://den03s09-in-f4.1e100.net/> ( icmp_seq=3
>     ttl=54 time=44.3 ms
>     --- www.google.com <http://www.google.com/> ping statistics ---
>     3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2002ms
>     rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 44.385/46.307/47.555/1.390 ms

Not sure if you did that already, but is very useful to check the
content of the floppy that the oVirt engine creates and attaches to the
virtual machine. To do so run the virtual machine, then go to the
hypervisor where it is running and locate the corresponding 'qemu-kvm'

  # ps -ef | grep qemu-kvm | grep myvm

That will have a very long command line, and should have a 'payload'
option that points to the generated floppy, something like this:

  -drive file=/var/run/vdsm/payload/ae3a9cd4-....img

Copy that file somewhere, and mount it:

  # mount -o loop,ro that_file.img /mnt

Then explore the content:

  # find /mnt -type f

The 'openstack/content/0000' file should contain your network
configuration. Is it what you expected?

The 'openstack/latest/user_data' file should contain the cloud-init
ocnfiguration generated by oVirt, which your custom script appended.
Does it look correct?

(Remember to "umount /mnt" when done.)

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