Materialized Views [1] can be used to reduce query time on complex queries
with low data update

The first candidates to use this feature are all the *permission* views

There is already a RFE [2] opened for that.

Please make sure that each call that handles the permissions table data is
using the corresponding SP in dbscripts/multi_level_administration.sql
No direct access to the permissions table is allowed !

In case that a direct access to the permissions table is used, you should
replace the code in a call to the corresponding SP as you can see in [3]

A direct use that will not be replaced with a call to the corresponding SP
may cause that direct changes to the permissions table will not be
reflected in the
*permission* Materialized Views and the views will remain dirty until a
change that is calling one of the SPs that handle the data of the
permissions table is issued and cause the Materialized Views to be

Please check your code for direct use of the permissions table and consult
with me if you have any questions or issues.


Eli Mesika

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