On Thu, Jun 28, 2018 at 12:52 PM, Nir Soffer <nsof...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Trying to update vdsm master, my update script fail with:
> installing...
> error: Failed dependencies:
> vdsm = 4.30.0-429.git05bfb8731.fc28 is needed by (installed)
> vdsm-hook-fcoe-4.30.0-429.git05bfb8731.fc28.noarch
> vdsm = 4.30.0-429.git05bfb8731.fc28 is needed by (installed)
> vdsm-hook-ethtool-options-4.30.0-429.git05bfb8731.fc28.noarch
> I tried to remove these hooks, since I'm not interested in any of them, but
> removing them try to remove 136 packages including libvirt.
> Why do we have these dependencies? hook should be optional.
> Who owns these hooks?

git log can tell you the usual answer: I'm to blame.

These hooks implement documented features. I suspect that something
very basic - such as the ovirt-host package - requires them to ensure
that they exist on each host.

The motivation for having ovirt-host is to make sure all ovirt host
have "everything" they need. It makes installation errors and
questions less frequent, but it also makes it hard to tweak hosts and
to make them slimmer.

> Nir
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