Hi Nir

Thanks for getting back!
We have few follow up questions:

1.       On the new ‘Allocated extents API’:
Can you share the release timeline for 4.2.z?  From the link below it seems 
like it will be available on 7/30/2018.
However, we thought we would double check on this.

2.       If this will be available in 4.2.z, does It mean, we can assume it 
will be backported to 4.3 also?

3.       When we downloaded the snapshot disk using Image Transfer API, the 
resulting format of the disk is “raw”.  However, for upload, we must upload a 
qcow2 disk (to enable further snapshots).
It means, we need to convert it first using qemu-img convert. Or is there a way 
we directly ask via API for a qcow2 instead?

Portion of the response of “GET 
    "format" : "raw",
    "shareable" : "false",
    "sparse" : "true",
    "status" : "ok",
    "snapshot" : {
      "id" : "4756036e-92aa-4ebb-ae4b-052a30cd5109"
    "actual_size" : "1345228800",
    "content_type" : "data",
    "propagate_errors" : "false",
    "provisioned_size" : "21474836480",
    "storage_type" : "image",
    "total_size" : "0",
    "wipe_after_delete" : "false",

4.       When downloading a snapshot in chunks, Is there any recommended chunk 
size? For our study we used 512 KB. Checked the documentation too.

5.       Regarding your ask on ‘Can you file RFE for this, explaining the use 
case and the current performance’.

Since you do not recommend direct access to NFS storage, we will consider it 
only if we see significant performance degradation using http download.

Also, if time permits, we may check if there is a significant performance 
benefit using Unix socket, over http download (via Rest API).

But as it stands now, getting the allocated extents support (soon), will 
alleviate most of our performance concerns.


From: Nir Soffer [mailto:nsof...@redhat.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 3, 2018 4:29 PM
To: Ranjit DSouza <ranjit.dso...@veritas.com>
Cc: devel <devel@ovirt.org>; DL-VTAS-ENG-NBU-EverestFalcons 
<dl-vtas-eng-nbu-everestfalc...@veritas.com>; Navin Tah 
<navin....@veritas.com>; Sudhakar Paulzagade <sudhakar.paulzag...@veritas.com>; 
Pavan Chavva; Yaniv Lavi (Dary) <yl...@redhat.com>; Nisan, Tal 
<tni...@redhat.com>; Daniel Erez <de...@redhat.com>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [ovirt-devel] Image Transfer mechanism queries/API 

On Tue, Jul 3, 2018 at 11:32 AM Ranjit DSouza 
<ranjit.dso...@veritas.com<mailto:ranjit.dso...@veritas.com>> wrote:
We had a conversation with Pavan Chavva for supporting RHV. He had suggested to 
contact you with queries related to oVirt APIs we plan to use.
We have following queries:

1.       While downloading a snapshot disk, can we identify allocated extents 
and download only those using oVirt API? We are able to download the disk using 
the Image Transfer API mechanism.
However, this method downloads the entire disk including the non-allocated 
extents, which is a performance overhead. If this functionality does not exist 
at this point will it be available in near future?

Hi Ranjit,

There is no way to do this in current 4.2, but we plan to introduce in in 4.2.z.

The API will be something like:

GET /images/xxx-yyy/map
[{ "start": 0, "length": 65536, "depth": 0, "zero": false, "data": true, 
"offset": 0},
{ "start": 65536, "length": 983040, "depth": 0, "zero": true, "data": false, 
"offset": 65536},
{ "start": 1048576, "length": 65536, "depth": 0, "zero": false, "data": true, 
"offset": 1048576},
{ "start": 1114112, "length": 983040, "depth": 0, "zero": true, "data": false, 
"offset": 1114112},
{ "start": 5465571328, "length": 22675456, "depth": 0, "zero": false, "data": 
true, "offset": 5465571328},
{ "start": 5488246784, "length": 954138624, "depth": 0, "zero": true, "data": 
false, "offset": 5488246784},
{ "start": 6442385408, "length": 65536, "depth": 0, "zero": false, "data": 
true, "offset": 6442385408}]

This is basically what you get using qemu-img map.

You can test play this with this using:

    virt-builder Fedora-27 -o /var/tmp/fedora-27.img
    qemu-img map -f raw --output json /var/tmp/fedora-27.img

This is the first data segment:
{ "start": 0, "length": 65536, "depth": 0, "zero": false, "data": true, 
"offset": 0}

This is a hole between the first data segment and the second:
{ "start": 65536, "length": 983040, "depth": 0, "zero": true, "data": false, 
"offset": 65536}

This is the second data segment:
{ "start": 1048576, "length": 65536, "depth": 0, "zero": false, "data": true, 
"offset": 1048576}

Based on this output, you will be able to get the allocated parts of the image 


    GET /image/xxx-yyy HTTP/1.1
    Range: bytes=0-65535


    HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content
    Content-Range: bytes 0-65535/6442450944

    <data of first segment>


    GET /image/xxx-yyy HTTP/1.1
    Range: bytes=1048576-1114111


    HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content
    Content-Range: bytes 1048576-1114111/6442450944

    <data of second segment>

And so on.

If you create a sparse file on your backup media, and download and write
the data segments at the correct offset, you will get the a sparse version of
the image as on the server side.

This will work for raw or qcow2 images on NFS >= 4.2, or for qcow2 images on 

For older NFS versions, or raw images on block storage, we can solve the issue 
reading the entire image and detecting zeroes - which is quite expensive, so 
I'm not
sure we will implement this, maybe it will be done later.

We have experimental patch using special sparse format, that can support this 
case, downloading entire image in one pass. This commit message explain the

For more info on using random I/O APIs, see:
(available since 4.2.3)

For example code uploading sparse images see:

For best performance, you should run your application on a oVirt host, using 
socket to communicate with imageio. See:
(will be available in 4.2.5)

All this will work only for the non-active layer in a qcow2 chain. We are 
working now
on incremental backup which will allow the same for the active layer with a 
vm. This is expected in 4.3, and we may have a tech preview at some point in 
Incremantal backup will use the similar API, allowing detection of dirty parts 
of an image,
so you can download only the data that was changed since the last backup.
Please watch and comment on the feature page:

We are also considering exposing images using NBD. This will allow downloading
and uploading images using qemu-img from any host. This work depends on TLS-PSK
support in qemu-img and qemu-nbd. You can follow this work here:

2.       Is there an alternate method to transfer a snapshot to and from RHV 
storage? Are there other methods such as NFS share where we can download 
snapshot image to and from RHV storage?
We don't support direct access to storage by 3rd party. You should use imageio 

Can you file RFE for this, explaning the use case and the current performance
issues you experience?

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