On Wed, Jun 17, 2020 at 6:28 AM <jenk...@jenkins.phx.ovirt.org> wrote:
> Project: 
> https://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt-system-tests_he-basic-suite-master/
> Build: 
> https://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt-system-tests_he-basic-suite-master/1641/

This one failed while trying to create the disk image for the hosted-egnine VM:


2020-06-16 23:03:20,527-0400 INFO ansible task start {'status': 'OK',
'ansible_type': 'task', 'ansible_playbook':
'ansible_task': 'ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Add HE disks'}
2020-06-16 23:14:12,702-0400 DEBUG var changed: host "localhost" var
"add_disks" type "<class 'dict'>" value: "{
            "msg": "Timeout exceed while waiting on result state of the entity."


2020-06-16 23:03:22,612-04 INFO
[org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.CommandMultiAsyncTasks] (default task-1)
CommandMultiAsyncTasks::attachTask: Attaching task
'6b2a7648-748c-430b-94b6-5e3f719df2ac' to command
2020-06-16 23:03:22,659-04 INFO
[org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.tasks.AsyncTaskManager] (default task-1)
[16c24599-0048-44eb-a410-d39b7ce98712] Adding task
'6b2a7648-748c-430b-94b6-5e3f719df2ac' (Parent Command
'AddImageFromScratch', Parameters Type
polling hasn't started yet..
2020-06-16 23:03:22,699-04 INFO
[org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.tasks.SPMAsyncTask] (default task-1)
BaseAsyncTask::startPollingTask: Starting to poll task
2020-06-16 23:03:25,835-04 INFO
[] SPMAsyncTask::PollTask: Polling task
'6b2a7648-748c-430b-94b6-5e3f719df2ac' (Parent Command
'AddImageFromScratch', Parameters Type
returned status 'finished', result 'success'.
2020-06-16 23:03:25,863-04 INFO
[] BaseAsyncTask::onTaskEndSuccess: Task
'6b2a7648-748c-430b-94b6-5e3f719df2ac' (Parent Command
'AddImageFromScratch', Parameters Type
'org.ovirt.engine.core.common.asynctasks.AsyncTaskParameters') ended

But then:

2020-06-16 23:03:25,897-04 INFO
CommandAsyncTask::HandleEndActionResult [within thread]: endAction for
action type 'AddImageFromScratch' succeeded, clearing tasks.
2020-06-16 23:03:25,897-04 INFO
[16c24599-0048-44eb-a410-d39b7ce98712] SPMAsyncTask::ClearAsyncTask:
Attempting to clear task '6b2a7648-748c-430b-94b6-5e3f719df2ac'
2020-06-16 23:03:25,899-04 INFO
[16c24599-0048-44eb-a410-d39b7ce98712] START, SPMClearTaskVDSCommand(
taskId='6b2a7648-748c-430b-94b6-5e3f719df2ac'}), log id: 481c2d3d
2020-06-16 23:03:25,900-04 INFO
[16c24599-0048-44eb-a410-d39b7ce98712] START,
HSMClearTaskVDSCommand(HostName = lago-he-basic-suite-master-host-0,
taskId='6b2a7648-748c-430b-94b6-5e3f719df2ac'}), log id: 17360b3d
2020-06-16 23:03:26,054-04 INFO
BaseAsyncTask::removeTaskFromDB: Removed task
'6b2a7648-748c-430b-94b6-5e3f719df2ac' from DataBase

But then:

2020-06-16 23:03:26,315-04 ERROR
[7fe7b467] Command 'UploadStreamVDSCommand(HostName =
execution failed: javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException:
Certificate for <lago-he-basic-suite-master-host-0.lago.local> doesn't
match any of the subject alternative names:
2020-06-16 23:03:26,315-04 INFO
[7fe7b467] FINISH, UploadStreamVDSCommand, return: , log id: 7e3a3e80
2020-06-16 23:03:26,316-04 ERROR
[7fe7b467] Command
failed: EngineException:
javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException: Certificate for
<lago-he-basic-suite-master-host-0.lago.local> doesn't match any of
the subject alternative names:
[lago-he-basic-suite-master-host-0.lago.local] (Failed with error
VDS_NETWORK_ERROR and code 5022)

Any idea why?
Anything changed in how we check the certificate?
Perhaps related to upgrade to CentOS 8.2?
And, how come it failed only this late? Don't we check the certificate earlier?

Anyway, this left the host in "not responding" state, so:

2020-06-16 23:03:29,994-04 ERROR
[16c24599-0048-44eb-a410-d39b7ce98712] Failed to get volume info:
org.ovirt.engine.core.common.errors.EngineException: EngineException:
No host was found to perform the operation (Failed with error

And perhaps due to an unrelated issue, also:

2020-06-16 23:03:31,177-04 ERROR
[16c24599-0048-44eb-a410-d39b7ce98712] Trying to revert unknown task

I looked a bit also at:


and see there some relevant stuff, but nothing I can spot about the
root cause (e.g. the word "cert" does not appear there).

Can anyone please have a look? Thanks.

> Build Number: 1641
> Build Status:  Still Failing
> Triggered By: Started by timer
> -------------------------------------
> Changes Since Last Success:
> -------------------------------------
> Changes for Build #1633
> [Marcin Sobczyk] ost-images: Drop rebasing of qcows
> [Ehud Yonasi] mock: fix yum repos injection.
> [Ehud Yonasi] onboard ost-images to stdci.
> Changes for Build #1634
> [Marcin Sobczyk] ost-images: Drop rebasing of qcows
> Changes for Build #1635
> [Marcin Sobczyk] ost-images: Drop rebasing of qcows
> Changes for Build #1636
> [Marcin Sobczyk] ost-images: Drop rebasing of qcows
> Changes for Build #1637
> [Marcin Sobczyk] ost-images: Drop rebasing of qcows
> Changes for Build #1638
> [Marcin Sobczyk] ost-images: Drop rebasing of qcows
> [Ehud Yonasi] stdci_runner: update templates node to ost-images.
> Changes for Build #1639
> [Marcin Sobczyk] ost-images: Drop rebasing of qcows
> Changes for Build #1640
> [Yedidyah Bar David] Allow engine 20 minutes to come up after VM restart
> Changes for Build #1641
> [Michal Skrivanek] test live storage migration again
> [Ehud Yonasi] poll: add ost-images to nightly.
> -----------------
> Failed Tests:
> -----------------
> No tests ran.

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