On Tue, Sep 21, 2021 at 10:06 AM Vojtech Juranek <vjura...@redhat.com>

> Hi,
> > I'm trying to install engine build [1] to verify test a patch [2], but
> I'm
> > getting following error:
> I was bale to install the engine, but adding new hosts fails with
> 2021-09-21 03:52:15 EDT - TASK [ovirt-provider-ovn-driver : Configure OVN
> for oVirt] *********************
> 2021-09-21 03:52:15 EDT -
> 2021-09-21 03:52:15 EDT - fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed":
> true, "cmd": ["vdsm-tool", "ovn-config", "",
> "", ""], "delta": "0:00:00.355651", "end":
> "2021-09-21 03:52:13.433094", "msg": "non-zer
> o return code", "rc": 1, "start": "2021-09-21 03:52:13.077443", "stderr":
> "usage: \n /usr/bin/vdsm-tool [options] ovn-config IP-central
> [tunneling-IP|tunneling-network]\n    Configures the ovn-controller on the
> host.\n\n    Parameters:\n    IP-central -
>  the IP of the engine (the host where OVN central is located)\n
> tunneling-IP - the local IP which is to be used for OVN tunneling\n
> tunneling-network - the vdsm network meant to be used for OVN tunneling\n
>   ", "stderr_lines": ["usage: ", " /usr/
> bin/vdsm-tool [options] ovn-config IP-central
> [tunneling-IP|tunneling-network]", "    Configures the ovn-controller on
> the host.", "", "    Parameters:", "    IP-central - the IP of the engine
> (the host where OVN central is located)", "    tunneling-IP
> - the local IP which is to be used for OVN tunneling", "
> tunneling-network - the vdsm network meant to be used for OVN tunneling",
> "    "], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}
> There's additional and the command should be
> vdsm-tool ovn-config
> I can run it manually, but the network is not configured properly as the
> host setup fails always at this point.
> Again some issue on my side or is this a known issue? Is there any
> workaround for it?
> Thanks for hits.
> Vojta

This looks like you have an older ovirt-provider-ovn-driver, that does not
support the third argument of ovn-config.
Try to upgrade the driver package.



Ales Musil

Software Engineer - RHV Network

Red Hat EMEA <https://www.redhat.com>

amu...@redhat.com    IM: amusil
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