
On 02/20/15 08:01, Oleg Hahm wrote:
A bit polemic: can't we use Java then and rely on a highly optimized (micro)

Maybe the question here is if we should concentrate on gcc and clang and
keep "weird, esoteric, proprietary compilers that someone might use someday
in an not-yet-thought-of use case" as they are - useless.

Was this a vote for a function pointer based HAL or just a Torvalds-like
reflex?  If the former is the case, then I'm apparently the only one -
counting the silent people on this topic as agreeing or not caring - against
this approach. In this case I would advice to rethink and remodel the whole
driver and HAL design. With the use of function pointers it could be made
extremely more (pseudo) object-oriented what make many things much more
convenient to implement.
I remember that over-engineered HAL we invested a lot of work to get out of. ;)

I don't vote to get back there.

But IMHO we should not take that experience (and yours from that former employee) to dismiss anything involving function pointers or some kind of object orientation, if it looks good in code and doesn't impose runtime costs.

E.g., I'd rather use const function pointers than macros...

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