
On 07/09/15 18:52, Simon Vincent wrote:
> - RIOT only supports 32 bit timers?
You should implement the periph/timer interface. Using defines in
periph_conf.h, you can set a "max value", e.g., 0xffff for 16 bit
timers. Don't bother with hwtimer, that will be phased out soon, and
also there's a wrapper for hwtimer on top of periph/timer.

> - RIOT uses multiple timers but they all must run at the same speed and 
> be synchronised. So effectively there must be only one timer but 
> multiple channels/compares.
Using the periph/timer interface, there can be multiple timers with
multiple channels. The "channels" are supposed to map multiple
capture/compare registers og one actual timer. It is perfectly fine to
only have one "channel" per timer.
Different "timers" can run at different speeds.

In order to harmonize platforms, if possible make one timer, preferably
timer 0, run at 1MHz.

> *Problems*
> 1) If I set a hwtimer for longer than the maximum period of the timer it 
> will interrupt too soon.
> e.g.
> Timer overflows every 1000s.
> If I set a hwtimer to delay for 1001s it will interrupt in 1s time.
Seems like a bug. But we are aware that hwtimer + vtimer are, lets say,
not optimal, and are working on a new timer subsystem. Check PR #2926 to
see where we're headed.

> 2) vtimers fail if the maximum timer period is less than 4096s 
Yeah, vtimer has problems with an overflow of the underlying timer...

> 3) Currently vtimers do not check if they request a hwtimer and there is 
> not one available.
Unfortunately also true...

May I ask which platform you are porting to?

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