
On 01/30/2016 01:36 PM, Zac Harvey wrote:
> You mention several major problems with running Java + RIOT-OS (or 
> really any RTOS) together, namely garbage collection and VTABLE-related 
> performance issues. If I *did* go down the road of either GCJ or LLVM, 
> would they somehow (magically) alleviate these problems that you mentioned?
No, they're language intrinsic.

You should try to port one of the existing constrained MCU JVM
implementations, like the one lejos [1] uses.


[1] http://www.lejos.org/

> Thanks again!
> On 1/30/16 5:39 AM, Damien Buhl wrote:
>> Hi Zac,
>> I think working actively on the now a bit dead GCJ project
>> https://gcc.gnu.org/java/ would be more valuable than trying to pack a
>> jvm + your application into an MCU, because I definitely think that the
>> nature of the JVM platform doesn't make it runnable inside 512kb RAM.
>> Additionally I don't see why one would want Java and it's garbage
>> collector thread in a RTOS, because you cannot do Real Time with Java,
>> or really hardly otherwise the garbage collector thread will do it's
>> work in the middle of your execution and you won't have a deterministic
>> execution time.
>> You can naturally write the Java code in a really hard way: ensuring you
>> preallocate all objects and never deallocating, that is never creating
>> temporaries inside your main loop. Additionally JITting with a vm
>> requires a cache where your store the compiled code.
>> The only way you would really get a good java support on an RTOS would
>> be to change the runtime platform nature of java, that is :
>>      - Compiling java as binaries, with an ABI similar to C++ one.
>>      - Replacing the garbage collector concept with a reference counted
>> automatic java reference management  (std::shared_ptr like concept)
>> Then I think you could get it to work and find real use case with RTOS.
>> But you'll have some more issues, because Java object system uses
>> function call dispatching mainly via a VTABLE as in C++ with the virtual
>> keyword (i.e. Basically java has all functions being virtual, and by the
>> way overridable), and this typically has a serious impact on
>> performance, because the compiler doesn't know which code path will be
>> taken before execution and cannot arrange the binary well for this scenario.
>> So I think java on the targets that riot is thought for might not be
>> really interesting.
>> But you have C++ which is a really pretty language and offers all
>> paradigms and expressiveness of Java and even more. If you know how to
>> code in java, you can code as well so in C++, and by learning it you'll
>> discover that you can employ other paradigms to improve readability and
>> quality of your code (i.e. With tag & SFINAE dispatching, functional
>> programming, compile time checking).
>> In case you still want to work on this, I would advice you to look at
>> the LLVM platform, there exists already some projects capable of
>> compiling java bytecode into LLVM bitcode, that you can in the end
>> transform to a native executable well optimized. Actually the OpenJDK
>> uses the LLVM platform to just-in-time compile java.
>> https://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/java/trunk/docs/java-frontend.txt
>> Cheers,
>> --
>> Damien Buhl
>> alias daminetreg
>> On 29/01/2016 20:16, Zac Harvey wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I was wondering if the following would be *possible* to do (but not
>>> necessarily easy or the most elegant solution):
>>> 1. Fork the open source OpenJDK HotSpot Java Virtual Machine code
>>> (written in C). Refactor its code to automatically look at a particular
>>> memory address to load an executable JAR.
>>> 2. Compile that forked HotSpot VM code along with RIOT-OS and generate
>>> an executable for a given platform (say 32-bit ARM)
>>> 3. Flash the executable to the ARM chip
>>> 4. Flash a JAR to some ROM that is memory addressable from that chip
>>> 5. ...
>>> 6. Profit.
>>> The intention here is that when the chip powers up, the RIOT-OS app
>>> (again a forked HotSpot JVM) loads an executable JAR from a specific
>>> place in memory. Boom: you're running Java on a RTOS.
>>> I understand there are various projects out there attempting to run a
>>> JVM on an embedded tech (Java Card, etc.). But to my knowledge, none of
>>> these projects leverage the above proposed technique. And the reason for
>>> that is either:
>>> 1. I'm overlooking something obvious that makes this approach a
>>> non-starter; or
>>> 2. No one's ever tried this before
>>> I'm willing to bet that its the former reason and not the latter. But in
>>> that case, I'd be interested in what the things are that I'm overlooking!
>>> Thanks for any-and-all-help!
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