Dear RIOTers,

we are happy to announce the tenth official release of RIOT:

----------------------- * RIOT 2017.01 * -----------------------

This release provides a lot of new features, fixes and enhancements.
Among others these features contain an initial - still experimental -
TCP implementation based on the GNRC network stack, support for reading
from and writing to SD cards, a new power management architecture as
well additional third party packages such as TweetNaCl, a cryptographic
library, and Heatshrink a data compression library optimized for
embedded real-time systems. We added support for new  platforms
including the Calliope mini, Maple mini, and a couple of STMs Nucleo
boards. Device support was extended by several new drivers, e.g., for
NXP PN532 NFC, Microchip MRF24J40 802.15.4 radio (experimental), or
Bosch BME280 pressure/humidity/temperature sensor.
We completely refactored the SPI interface, allowing for internally
handled hardware or software chip select lines and shared bus usage for
multiple devices with different SPI configurations.

About 278 pull requests with about 606 commits have been merged since
the last release and about 84 issues have been solved. 44 people
contributed with code in 87 days. 2230 files have been touched with
220275 insertions and 159840 deletions.

You can download the RIOT release from Github by cloning the repository
[1] or by downloading the tarball [2], and look up the release notes for
further details [3].

Thanks everyone for your contributions, discussions, testing efforts,
and keep RIOTing!

Best regards

devel mailing list

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