
On 31.08.2017 17:42, Kaspar Schleiser wrote:

>> In any case, if I added USE_MODULES += periph_common_pm_fallback, it
>> will not get compiled. Any idea why?
> Did you use "USEMODULE" instead of "USE_MODULES"?
Yes, did not work :(

> Maybe the periph_common directory doesn't get selected. But we can't
> make periph_common_pm_fallback depend on periph_common, that might have
> side effects.
> How about drivers/pm_fallback/... for now?

Then I'd vote for moving pm_layered to drivers as well? Or should be
make it sys/pm_fallback/?

- Robert

Robert Hartung, M.Sc.

Technische Universität Braunschweig
Institut für Betriebssysteme und Rechnerverbund
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