Dear fellow RIOTers,

tl;dr: Do we see the need to be IEEE 802.15.4 compliant?

RIOT so far does not support anything other than beacon, data, and ack frames while the standard says that also reduced-function devices have to support certain command frames [IEEE802.15.4-2015 7.5.1]. Basically, "RIOT does not support IEEE 802.15.4".

A while ago I worked on adding support for MAC commands and procedures the standard describes like channel scanning and automatic association of a device with a coordinator. Personally I think those are nifty features to provide, the reality check the last two days showed though that it'd need some non-trivial refactoring of the existing 15.4 code to not end up in #ifdef hell. (I see work on netif2 but I am not in the position to evaluate if above mentioned will benefit from it.)

On the other side, scanning through Zephyr's 1.9.0 release notes I noticed their support for IEEE 802.15.4 MAC commands, at least the most basic ones. So we'd have an other project to actually test against. (They also claim support for basic 802.15.4 security.)

Thus my questions,
do people consider adding support for MAC commands worth the effort?

Does anybody know about cases these are actually used?

Can we add those when approaching 802.15.4 security?

It'd be great to hear peoples' take on this.


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