Xtimer is not guaranteed to be based on timers that keep running in low
power modes. Therefore sleeping is not supported on most devices.

Am 20.11.2017 um 21:05 schrieb Francisco Molina:
> >Hi,
> >
> >since the timers you mentioned are dependent on xtimer and since xtimer has
> >some known issues with power management (what those are directly I can't
> >say due to my own lack of knowledge there, some hardware person on this
> >list might give you more detailed information on that) in the default
> >configuration, sleeping is not currently possible with GNRC on
> >ATSAMR21G18A-based
> >platforms (at least, as I understand it in the default configuration).
> >Cheers,
> >Martine
> What are the xtimer know issues with power management? I did a quick
> search at opened issues and coudln't find any directly realted to
> power management and xtimer. Could anyone expand on this? Thank you.
> Cheers!
> Francisco
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