Hi Josua,

On 11/30/2017 04:17 PM, Arndt, Josua wrote:
> I have ported Riot OS to the atmega256rfr2 and the gnrc_network example
> works as expected.
> Now I want to reduce the RAM  footprint to a minimum would need some
> advice how to proceed.

I have a branch in [1] that tries to disable as much as possible in
order to make tests/minimal smaller. Most of it won't be of much use as
you're using gnrc, but maybe you find some inspiration.

Some ideas:

- reduce the number of allowed threads and priority levels to exactly
what you need
- disable all stdio (see also [2])
- compile with LTO=1


[1] https://github.com/kaspar030/RIOT/tree/minimize
[2] https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/pull/7974
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