I've opened an Issue on github showing how to reproduce:

Le mer. 28 nov. 2018 12:03, Baptiste Clenet <bapcle...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> The behavior is only seen when ethos is used:
> Checkout my branch:
> https://github.com/biboc/RIOT/tree/uart_mutex_thread_pb
> And run example uart-thread-mutex_pb_BR on samr21-xpro (make flash
> BOARD=samr21-xpro)
> See output:
> 2018-11-28 11:58:50.71 ~~33     `@0909]!UHCP@~~}!main(): This is RIOT!
> (Version: 2018.10-RC1-330-gd8cfe-uart_mutex_thread_pb)
> 2018-11-28 11:58:50.71 ~~}!RIOT border router example application
> 2018-11-28 11:58:50.72 ~~}!THREAD
> 2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+
> 2018-11-28 11:58:50.74 ~~}!THREAD 2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+THREAD
> 1_!*11_!*11_!*11_!*11_!*11_!*11_!*11_!*11_!*11_!*11_!*11_!*11_!*11_!*11_!*11_!*11_!*11_!*11_!*11_!*11_!*11_!*11_!*11_!*1
> 2018-11-28 11:58:50.75
> ~~}!2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+
> 2018-11-28 11:58:50.76 ~~}!THREAD
> 2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+2-|+
> Le jeu. 22 nov. 2018 à 15:44, Baptiste Clenet <bapcle...@gmail.com> a
> écrit :
> >
> > Thanks for your answer.
> >
> > Le jeu. 22 nov. 2018 12:51, Juan Ignacio Carrano <j.carr...@fu-berlin.de>
> a écrit :
> >>
> >> Hi Baptiste,
> >>
> >> On 11/22/18 12:11 PM, Baptiste Clenet wrote:
> >> > Hi,
> >> > I have looked at mutex.c and thread.c and I've understood that a
> >> > thread with higher priority (it has priority) will unlock the mutex
> >> > even if thread with lower priority has not finished/unlock the mutex?
> >> > Am I right?
> >>
> >> You are referring to a situation in which a thread unlocks a mutex it
> >> did not lock before?
> >
> >
> > No. A thread A (high priority) locks a mutex which is locked by thread B
> (low priority)
> > And it seems that scheduler stops thread B and make thread A run.
> >>
> >>
> >> In that case the mutex is not behaving as such, but rather as a generic
> >> lock, and any thread can unlock it. See
> >> https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/issues/9594 .
> >>
> >> If you want the mutex to actually behave as a mutex you should ensure
> >> you never have an unlock without a matching lock (i.e. that the only
> >> thread that can unlock a mutex is the one that locked it and thus own
> >> it). RIOT's mutexes do not enforce that, so you must resolve it by
> >> careful usage.
> >>
> >> > Now, in my case, I use UART with ethos (which use a mutex) and what
> >> > happens on my case is:
> >> > * I have thread A (high priority), thread B (low priority)
> >> > * B starts to write on UART an long str
> >> > * A wants to write on UART an lock the mutex (ethos) but because it
> >> > has higher priority, it sends its message over UART until end of str
> >> > * B can continue and finish to send its str
> >> >
> >>
> >> So you are saying that the lower priority "B" thread is being preempted
> >> and it's output interrupted by A's output?
> >
> >
> > Yes exactly and this my problem. In my case, main thread with shell is
> being preempted by one of network stack threads
> >
> > Let le explain again what I see:
> > Context:
> > * two threads: main thread (low prio) with shell and ipv6 thread (high
> prio)
> > Sequence:
> > 1. Main thread starts to send a long str by UART via ethos
> (ethos_send_frame)
> > 2. Main thread locks ethos mutex in ethos_send_frame
> > 3. Ipv6 thread wants to send a str by UART, so ethos_send_frame is
> called and ipv6 thread tries to locks ethos mutex.
> >
> > Result: What I see is that main thread str is cut by ipv6 thread. Str
> seen from UART reception:
> >
> > 4. IMO, ipv6 thread preempts main thread and, I don't really how,
> manages to access UART device and send its str before main thread can
> finish to send its str
> >
> > Result is that main thread str is cut
> >
> > Please have a look at ethos.c and especially ethos_send_frame() function
> to better understand what I say.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >>
> >> I'm not familiar with ethos, but my intuition is that, while it may have
> >> a mutex, it may not be programmed in a way that the UART access is
> >> exclusive too. Exclusive access to UART would not be a good idea as in
> >> cases like yours it opens the door to priority inversions.
> >>
> >> > So I'm wondering why a thread with higher priority should be able to
> >> > unlock a mutex locked by a thread with lower priorty?
> >> >
> >>
> >> Actually any thread can unlock a mutex locked by another thread. What
> >> can never happen is that a thread _locks_ a mutex locked by another
> >> thread. In your mind, replace the word "mutex" with "lock" and things
> >> may become clearer.
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >>
> >> Juan.
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> --
> Baptiste
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