Kees Bakker <> wrote:
    > This is a question for people using Linux to develop for RIOT-OS.

    > What program do you use to connect to the (USB) serial?  picocom?
    > minicom? miniterm? grabserial? something else?

I sometimes use minicom, because it's generally available and can send BREAK,
but I usually wind up using screen, because then I can run it on my serial
console server, and connect to it from multiple places.

I also use rtty, but it isn't as useable because USB serial devices don't
number consistently.

    > I'm looking for a program that can automatically reconnect to the USB
    > serial after the RIOT board does a restart. So far I only found that
    > minicom will do that, but not automatically.

    > I like the three others much better because I can more easily log the
    > output. However, when the board resets, it loses the connection.

Which board?
Are you using a board with an FTDI chip attached to a serial console?
Or one with a built-in USB?    There is also the interaction with the
flashing process, which sometimes needsd the USB connection.
I'd like to convince the minicom and screen guys to do some kind of back-off
when the flasher asks.
(This is also kinda a call for dual TTY devices that showed up in SunOS
4,AIX,etc. back in the 1990s that let UUCP run well before we had mgetty.)

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