
I think we are seeing this bug based on some detection code
the Daniels added. They can explain the detection code and
send you a patch but it basically verifies that the value of
is_executing is as expected when you begin to restore the heir.
If not, it traps.

We don't see this under normal block/unblock operations
but there is a "check for migrations" pass at the end of
those and affinity changes which does a check if the highest
priority ready thread could displace a scheduled thread.
When this pass runs, we end up wanting to move an
executing thread from one core to another. This seems to
very reliably trip their check.

I wondered if we had optimized the migration code until
it broke so I locally replaced it with set state/clear state
which we know works. So we identify a scheduled thread
which could be replaced with the highest priority ready
thread with the consideration of affinity. If so, then
we set state migrating on that scheduled thread and then
clear that state. This should (and does) result in the
desired highest priority thread replacing in in the scheduled

But the check is tripped when that scheduled/executing
thread is outgoing thread on one core and incoming
on another.

I see this as two state changes within a single scheduler
operation but that sounds the same as your double
migration. We are likely replacing heir twice and tripping
the same condition.

If you want a test case of this, we can get our code
cleaned up and push it. Gaisler will have to send their
test code.

Joel Sherrill, Ph.D.             Director of Research & Development
joel.sherr...@oarcorp.com        On-Line Applications Research
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