On 23/11/2014 3:00 am, Joel Sherrill wrote:
On 11/21/2014 05:53 PM, Chris Johns wrote:
On 22/11/2014 3:32 am, Joel Sherrill wrote:
On 11/21/2014 10:17 AM, Joel Sherrill wrote:
http://www.jdl.com/software/dtc-v1.2.0.tgz is no longer available
and the download fails. The site appears to be dead.

Any ideas where to fetch it from?

http://www.devicetree.org/Device_Tree_Compiler points you to
https://git.kernel.org/cgit/utils/dtc/dtc.git and they have bumped
the version up to 1.4.1.

Should the RSB be changed?


OK. I am not wrapping my head around what needs to change.
I know you are on travel but if you take a swing at a patch,
I can test it.

Please create a ticket. Thanks.

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